Sunday, March 7, 2010

Excercise1- Image Uses

End uses of imagery:
Sporting events, travel, fashion, street, documentary ,news, fine arts, nature, portrait, weddings, architecture, model, runway, property, forensic, cityscapes, landscapes, waterscapes, gardens, industrial, flowers and plants, cars , food ,public events, advertising , domestic animals and wildlife.

Sports photography:
Potential employers/clients:
Sporting magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, clothing companies, sponsors.
Display: magazines, billboards, newspapers, internet.
Size and quality: magazines- A4 page with very high quality, billboards- up to 3m by 5m with medium to high quality, newspapers- up to a full page with low quality, internet- screen size with medium to high quality.

Fashion photography:
Potential employers/clients: fashion magazines, fashion designers, clothing companies, hair and makeup stylist and advertising agencies.
Display: magazines, newspapers, billboards
Size and quality: magazines- A4 page with very high quality, newspapers- up to a full page with low quality, billboards- up to 3m by 5m with medium to high quality

Travel photography:
Potential employers/clients:
Travel magazines, advertising agencies,
Display: internet, brochures, magazines
Size and quality: internet- screen size with medium to high quality, brochures- 10cm to 15cm with high quality, magazines- A4 page with very high quality

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